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Countable/uncountable nouns 不等於 singular/plural nouns: Part 2

...繼Part 1

Grammar level ⭐⭐

Some nouns can be both countable and uncountable:

- I like coffee (drink).

- Two coffees please (cups of coffee).

- Healthy food is important. (things that we eat)

- You can’t eat some foods (some types of food).

- Eat fruit and vegetables (fruit as food). -These fruits are very healthy (types of fruit).

- Chicken is tasty (food).

- My aunt has 20 chickens on her farm (birds).

- Swiss chocolate is very good (food).

- Take a chocolate (one sweet).

- We use paper (material).

- I read a paper (a newspaper).

- I know some Russians (people).

- I speak Russian (language).


Uncountable nouns are often treated as countables if we are talking about different kinds of material, liquid etc.

- Most washing powders are not very kind to your hands.

- Although powder is an uncountable noun, here we are talking about different kinds of the material.

Abstract nouns are usually uncountable. Some abstract nouns can have both countable and uncountable uses. When used with a general meaning, these nouns are usually uncountable. When used with a particular meaning, these nouns are usually countable.

- We had a nice time when we went to the beach yesterday. (countable)

- I couldn’t finish the report because I didn’t get enough time. (uncountable)

Some uncountable nouns are plural. They have no singular forms with the same meaning, and cannot be used with numbers. Common examples are: groceries, arms, remains, goods, customs, clothes, thanks, regards, police etc.

- The police are searching for a white man in his twenties.

- Have you bought the groceries? (NOT Have you bought the grocery?)

- Many thanks for your help.

Other plural uncountable nouns include trousers, jeans, pyjamas, pants, scissors, spectacles etc.

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